Sunday, July 15, 2012

Trend of International School ? ND?KWORDS

This article is translated from what Republika reported (Desember 17, 2008) along with what Satriwan[1] wrote in Kompas (April 5, 2010).


The presence of International Shools (SBI) proves a response of the public awareness toward the importance of quality schools. Malaysia, Philippina, Brunei, and Singapore have long had an international-standard school. In Indonesia, international schools, especially for elementary schools, newly developed in 2007. If Indonesia could not immediately develop an international standard school, some feared that the budget will be exhausted because many Indonesian citizens who continue their education abroad.

Of the various data collected by the Ministry of National Education, monthly averages of Indonesian students abroad receive a thousand dollar shipment. In fact, the number of Indonesian students reached more than a thousand people. It means that every month one million dollars or more than 10 billion rupiah, flowing out of the country.

Fortunately, the existence of an international school (SBI), which is now increasingly prevalent, becomes response evidence of public awareness of the importance of quality schools. The aim is to prepare future generations of morality, intelligent, independent, creative, innovative, and democratic. This is consistent with the acceleration of social change as part of global era engineering.

Righteously, that phenomenon should be an asset to do the best for performance in empowering the SBI, so that later will contribute to the progress of the nation. This requires an optimistic attitude and high sense of responsibility because the school is an institution with most complexes among the existing social institutions. Complexity is not only from the various entrances (intake), but in the process of learning that took place in it. According to what it is stated in Law No. 20/2003 on National Education System (Education System) of article 50 paragraph 3 states that the government or local government must hold at least one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit.

Indonesia?s education system as stipulated in Law No. 20 Year in 2003 (with all its derivatives), is a legitimate national instrument for building quality education. To be a vital component to creating a quality community, according to destination countries, namely the intellectual life of the nation. As reported by the UNDP, Human Development Index in 2009 Indonesia was ranked 111th among 184 countries studied. The level of development of Indonesian society became the main focus in order to achieve this national aspiration. Of course, education is a primary component and instrument of social to make Indonesian superior and more civilized. Dynamics of Indonesian education is indeed an intricate narrative, always looking for alternative formats of national education, appropriate and affordable by the people of Indonesia, but still relevant to global development. In translating the format or alternative forms of education, current education, especially primary and secondary level is festived by the term SBI or International Level. New term SBI or RSBI (International Standard School) is sounding familiar to students, parents, students, academics, education analysts, and even to teachers and principals. For each unit of education (primary and secondary) in Indonesia now is to compete openly with other schools, to become International School (SBI).

The note that the legal standing or legal basis of established SBI Education is Law No. 20 Year 2003 earlier. Particularly Article 50 paragraph 3, ie, government and or local government held at least one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit. This regulation, then gives way to regulations under the Regulation of the Minister of National Education (Permendiknas) No. 78 Year 2009 on the implementation of the International School at level of Elementary and Secondary Education. This Permendiknas organizes and explains in detail about the SBI. Then how the public perception is now brought into this new term, in order to remain able to understand in a holistic manner, of course people should know the definition of SBI. Article 1 paragraph 8 Permendiknas No. 78 Year 2009 stated that the International School of SBI hereinafter abbreviated is school which meets all the National Education Standards (SNP), which is enriched with a certain quality advantages derived from OECD countries member or other developed countries. This is necessary because in the middle of the community expressed the hope that school quality but affordable (up to remote areas), cheaper and even free school discourse only merely lip of government. SBI is then mocked to ?School of International Fare,? because ?reportedly? the name of SBI was certainly expensive, if expensive then access to attend the school where only rich people while poor people are prohibited from studying in SBI.

As a new regulation (Permendiknas was established and started in October 2009, then applied) certainly would cause widespread pro and contra. More over, the anecdote that the SBI had become an exclusive school because the payment is expensive, as its name was also ?international?. SBI which is set out in regulation of minister has 35 articles, clearly has set associated things with SBI. Pursuant to Article 1 Paragraph 8, it still becoming reference standards / guidelines for the application of SBI is the SNP set out in Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards. There are 8 (eight) national standards of education are summarized in. The eight standards to guide the principal must be fulfilled in the organization of education. Starting from the standard of content, processes, competence of graduates, facilities and infrastructure, educators and educational staff, management, financing and educational assessment. Especially for the SBI, the eight primary standards are then supplemented with the standards of quality excellence comes from countries in the world, who are members of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Standard reference of SBI becomes more global (as the OECD) and the area of education when it is combined with the developed countries. In note, that the OECD is an international organization whose goal helped the government of its member countries to face the challenges of economic globalization. Well here it is clear that the emergence of the term ?international? in SBI is one of them because the OECD.

In general, according to the SNP, there was nothing ?weird? or wrong with the SBI implementation plan in Indonesia. But some important points from this SBI is the first that must be observed, the SBI management philosophy itself. What is the philosophy of government in making the national regulations to carry out this program? It is in the midst of an ever-changing global order, which is now a global village, the idea of globalization became the scourge of world population growth and development. Globalisation as a product of capitalism can be a magnet for attracting the countries in the world to its knees to him now. All dimensions of human life (not just education) are affected by globalization. Certainly the consequences of changes (due to globalization), this is what surely must be considered together, especially in Indonesia. Education for all that becomes the motto and even jargon of the political campaigns will not be realized, if the SBI was product of ?failure? of government in the realization of cheap and quality education. Because in the term of the socio-pedagogical, execution or implementation of SBI should be in accordance with the spirit of the philosophy of education. If philosophy is to ?internationalize?, it is clear that educational quality parameters seen as an sich-economic formalistic. Why is it said so? For the essence of the spirit of education has become more vivid and meaningful at the time he was friendly and touched all classes, or social strata. Friendly educational toward psychology students is to blend with the economic capacity of communities and of course an educational format that is not oriented to the results only, but rather on the process. It seem like the SBI policy is only an alibi form of state administrators, rather than improving the quality of national education (because of the international label), but forgot the principles of justice education that became the main thoughts of each policy.

Second is the empirical format of the implementation of SBI. Does the government have to think and analyze integratedly and comprehensively toward the implications of SBI in society later. No doubt, It takes an integrated policy analysis and honest for the government, for subsequent social mapping of these regulations. For instance, at this time although there is school that has become SBI, the community has predicted if the SBI is only for the rich, not for the people of Indonesia. Then it appears the term has now notoriously popular, that is ?caste in school.? And it already occurred in Indonesian schools. Certainly, SBI means and even recognized internationally as an expensive, established especially for the rich, but there is also a regular school (all of which are mediocre), although somewhat expensive (because it remains to be paid) but can be accessed by the public. Next is the implementation of standards that apply semester credit system (SKS). Readiness of students with a curriculum and new methods should be considered together. Need to be re-examined how the psychological impact for the students. Although the goal is to make students both more independent, but still, if a policy without a preceded by a risk analysis then it is equal to sail without knowing the weather at sea.


That is also listed in the standard implementation of the OECD, an international organization that helps its members in the face of economic globalization. Countries such as USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Germany, South Korea entered as a member that Indonesian also need to know and get clear information, especially from the government regarding the OECD. Why the OECD is chosen as a reference in education (SBI), what components became the parameters in the model description of the quality of education in OECD countries. This is an important component to be explained in a transparent manner by the Ministry of Education. Society worry lies in the readiness of public concerning both structurally (government, policy, funding, formats, etc.) and cultural (an analysis of socio-pedagogical, psychological, educational equity, etc.) by the government as shareholder control. It?s pity to say that it is like wearing too loose tank top, certainly did not fit and match the body. Likewise SBI, firstly, government review of education quality and equality in our country at every level of education on how mapping the distribution of teachers, access to information, media education, infrastructure and facilities including regional capability. International labels are not determinative of the quality parameters of national education. If the automatic international labels distributed education fairly and proportionately to the remote areas, of all the people agree with that. But if the addition of international labels will only become a ?global consciousness?, without understanding the national education faces the same as re-education push the water into the soil hole deeper and darker.

Few points above are seen in the rules of in this article. Among them is about standardization or the competence of educators (teachers). SDBI level must have at least 10% of the total teachers in the educated SDBI S2/S3. SMPBI level must have at least 20% of the total teachers in such an educated SMPBI S2/S3, whereas SMABI at least 30% of teachers who educated S2/S3. The question now is the fact of how in any such educational unit. It is an objective reality to see together, if one school in what the number of teachers who educated S2/S3. Not only for the S2/S3, up to now the government is still completing a homework assignment to fulfill the Law of Teachers and Lecturers, especially the fulfillment of academic qualification (S1) and teacher certification programs. Professionalism of educators (teachers) in the context of SBI will be the price of death for an internationally standardized. A teacher at the SBI should be able to speak English or another foreign language, because in a classroom learning to use the language of instruction in English. Then move to the standards of financing, in Article 13 Permendiknas was mentioned that the government, local governments and communities are obliged to finance the implementation of SBI (paragraph 2). But in the next chapter mentioned SBI may pick up the cost of education for the shortfall, the cost of financing standards based on the School Development Plan. It is then that is a concern if later SBI will be school only for those rich since the cost of education in an SBI is more expensive than a regular school (independent category). Why expensive? Because SBI (state / private sector) can charge fees if they feel the cost of government / less-managed. With no doubt, the victim is society. This opportunity will then be utilized to capitalize the national education,

Now, it can be said that SBI is trend vis a vis justice and equitable education for all Indonesian people. The implementation of SBI later will be faced the reality of society, who (of course) compete to send their children to the SBI because of consideration that it has international standard, equipped educators, facilities and infrastructure and quality of internationally acclaimed, including implementing quality management system ISO 9001 and ISO 14000. But at that moment, it is again the society confronte with ?unfriendly face? of SBI which takes side to the rich only, not impartial to the poor. The main task for policy makers is to find the new format. The substance is not paradoxical to the philosophy of education itself. Public perception on the ?fare? not becomes an international reality, but a separate stimulus for the government to consider and evaluate every policy made. Of course with the noble goal of education distribution, with open access to education for all Indonesian people fairly and with dignity.








[1] Satriwan adalah Guru SMA Labschool Jakarta dan Aktif di Pusat Kajian dan Pengembangan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial (PKPIS) UNJ.

[1] Satriwan is a teacher of SMA Labschool Jakarta, active in ?Pusat Kajian dan Pengembangan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial (PKPIS) at State University of Jakarta (UNJ).

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