Monday, January 14, 2013

Frustrated with waiting - Forums

Well, today's been 1 year since my last (2 week) placement came to stay with me. And, in the past year, my daughter and I have been SO ready for more placements, but nothing doing... we've had 3 calls for placements - all of which were extremely far off from what I've stated my availability is for.

I live in a small county, so placements aren't in abundance anyway, but it's never been this slow. (let me make it clear, that I am glad there aren't many kids coming into care - hopefully that means there isn't a big NEED for foster care in my county). I've considered switching agencies to a larger county, but I really like the agency I'm with now, and have made some great friends through the agency (other foster families and social workers). My daughter was adopted from this county, will go to the public schools in this county next year when she starts kindergarten... it would just be great to stay in this county.

My daughter talks every single day about how she can't wait to have another foster child in our home, because she wants to be a sister again. She asks me all the time when we're getting another placement. We're both just impatient and I'm feeling pressure to contact another agency, even though I love the agency I work with now.


W S B H c mitt romney mark zuckerberg

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