Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tragedy and Romance

True Love and a Baby

Five couples meet in a Lamaze class, but the catch? One couple is gay and have a surrogate, one couple is 50, one couple are teenagers, one couple are having twins, and one couple are interracial. How can it end for everyone?


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This looks really interesting... But have you considered asking everyone who reserves a role to take one female and one male? Because, I think you're going to really struggle to fill all the male roles.

Please may I reserve the female from couple 2 and the male from couple 3?

Last edited by LittleMissGeorgia on Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total. "You played a good hand M'am." - Lawrence Dominic

"I played a very bad hand very well. There is a distinction." - Adelle DeWitt

Dollhouse, S01E06

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Can I please reserve Guy 1 in the gay couple? I'll have the bio up ASAP. Do I have to take a female role too? I'm a girl but I feel I play men better.

"Look, even bad years are pretty good years, I think."

-Robert Downey Jr.


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Scarlet Loup
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Darn, if only the teen girl was open. XD

Can I reserve Guy 2 in the gay couple, and Girl in the having-twin couple?

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Hm, if I need to take a female, I'll just take the one no one wants ;)

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Scarlet Loup
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You may all have your reserves. I'll put that up as a rule, the male female thing, and I'll take a third role so I'm not breaking my own rule. :D Thanks guys!

And Scarlet if you want to take the last available male role, I will allow you to have two male roles :)

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