Saturday, December 8, 2012

COULD THE DEMOCRATS SAVE BOEHNER? Conservative House members may want to look at recent Texas history before implementing plan to oust Speaker

COULD THE DEMOCRATS SAVE BOEHNER? Conservative House members may want to look at recent Texas history before implementing plan to oust Speaker


There is definitely a movement to oust Rep. John Boehner as Speaker of the House. One idea in particular that has been gaining steam is for at least sixteen House Republicans to withhold their votes. The result would be that the Speaker would only get 217 votes, which would be one short of what he'd need. The House would be without a Speaker until a new one is chosen.

In theory, that plan is simple and clearly attainable in light of the decision by House Leadership to boot conservative congressmen off of financial committees in what appears to be a form of political payback.

Ben Barrack, conservative talk show host, writer, and author of the new book, Unsung Davids, advises that before people get their hopes up, they should look at what happened not too long ago in the Texas State legislature. ?After the 2008 elections,? Barrack says, ?our Speaker was replaced by a more liberal Republican... thanks to the Democrats.?

Up until early 2009, Rep. Tom Craddick (R-Midland) had been the Speaker of the Texas State House. Although Republicans maintained a majority, their candidates didn't do as well in the election as many had hoped. This weakened Craddick and an opportunistic, socially liberal Republican named Joe Straus, managed to win the Speakership by getting all of the House Democrats to elect him and only 11 Republicans.

?This situation with Boehner is slightly different,? Barrack says, ?but the common thread is Democrats voting for RINOs instead of settling for conservatives.?

According to Barrack, even if 30 Republicans withhold their votes for Speaker, it would only take 15 Democrats to cross party lines and vote for the incumbent Boehner, who would be even more beholden to the Democratic agenda than he is now.

?It's like playing whack-a-mole,? Barrack said.

Contact Special Guests today for an interview with Ben Barrack.


Ben Barrack is an Investigative Radio Host and Blogger who broadcasts in Central Texas. His columns have appeared on Pajamas Media, Human Events, Big Government, World Net Daily and others.

Barrack is a strong critic of the mainstream media and supports patriotic and reliable bloggers who do much of the mainstream media?s work at no charge, with little recognition, while earning their living via other mean. Barrack is the author of the book Unsung Davids: Ten Men who Battled Goliath without Glory.

Barrack maintains a website at


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