Monday, July 1, 2013

Home Improvements~ ? The Plucky Knitter


This guy here ? What.A.Pistol. Just when we thinking we?re about done with home improvements/yard work/sprucing up the patio Ox decides to take flying leap (literally) from the top railing of the patio to the road below ? to catch a dog four times (at least) his size.

So now ? not as a design element but to keep Oxford from unintentionally killing himself ? we are adding two rows of stainless steel wire (or something similar and hopefully not ugly) from post to post. The things we do for our pets.

oxford jump

nangou close 2

Nangou. Almost done. 20 rows and bind off to go. Thinking of an I-Cord BO in the pink cashmere because I just cannot get enough of that pop of pink against the blue gray. We?ll see.


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